Manuscript Guidelines

United Journals follow an in-house Journals Style Manual to help our copyeditors and proof-readers maintain consistency in language, formatting, and visual style. Authors may find this document useful for understanding technical conventions. We encourage online submission on our Manuscript submit portal website. The preferred word format is word document. After submission we will send you updates regarding your manuscripts for each and every stage like initial stage to final stage.

Dear Authors before submission go through the below guidelines.

Contribution types below:

Original Research Article
Review Article
Case Report
Short Communication
Letter to Editor
News and Comment

Words Limitations for Article:

Article Type   
Words Limit   
Original Research Article   
Review Article   
Case Report   
Short Communication   
Letter to Editor    
News and Comment   

Manuscript Arrange Pattern: 

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgement
  • References
  • Tables and figures

Title page: Title page should contain Manuscript title, Author information.

  • Manuscript Title – Manuscript title should be concise yet descriptive. It should make electronic retrieval of the article sensitive and specific. Style: Heading 1 and strong.
  • Author information: The title page should provide the corresponding author’s telephone number, e-mail address, name of the department(s)/ institution(s)/organizations and country. Style: Article with Endnote text and Endnote reference.

Abstract: It should be structured and divided into four section: Introduction/Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. It should be a concise and accurate summary of the article with 300 words limit only.

Introduction: Introduction should state why the study was carried out and what the specific aims of the study were, its importance and goals. It should not describe the background for the study.

Methods: The validity of a study is judged by the methods used. These should be described in sufficient detail to permit evaluation and duplication of the work by others. The following should be described in this:

    • Study design
    • Setting
    • Selection of participants
    • Interventions
    • Methods of measurement
    • Data collection and processing
    • Statistical methods used

Results: Results should be given in logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. Only the most important findings should be summarized. Data presented in tables and figures should not be duplicated in the text.

  1. Units of Measurement: International System of Units (SI) should be used with traditional equivalent in parentheses. Generally accepted conventions for reporting units of measurements are:
    • Metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples for the measurements of
    • length, height, weight and volume etc.
    • Degrees Celsius for temperature
    • Millimeters of Mercury for blood pressure

Discussion: This section should aim at providing the conclusions from the study; and it should add to the current knowledge, provide explanations for the findings, compare the study’s findings with available studies, discuss the limitations of the study and the implications for future research. Only those published articles directly relevant to interpreting the results and placing them in context should be referenced. This section should conclude with a brief summary statement. The conclusion should be based on and justified by the results of the study. Discussion section should aim at emphasizing how your work is innovative and how it can be relevant for future advancement and research in the concerned field. 

References: References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and these numbers should be inserted above the lines. Style: List 2 Reference text .

For example: {Author names. Publishing year (2020). Reference article/book name. Journal short name; Volume number; page number.}

Tables: It should be includes below following fundamental content.

  • Tables should have proper numbering
  • Title should be above the table
  • Short description below the table.

Figures: Only high contrast/ quality of figures that are essential shall be accepted & in JPEG format. The labelling must be clear and neat. Do not use clips on photographs, watermarked and artwork.


Based on the comments of reviewers of the Journal, manuscripts found unsuitable for publication will be rejected. The corresponding author will be informed of the rejection, and comments of the reviewers, if relevant, will be provided. 

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