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United Journal of Biometrics and Data Management is an internationally peer-reviewed open access journal initiated with a vision to enhance mathematical and statistical and their applications in the field of Biometrics and Clinical data management.
United Journal of Biometrics and Data Management focuses on constructive, investigational, conceptual, computational and experimental work in the area of Biometrics and Biostatistics. We intend to highlight studies related to Data Modeling, Bio-informatic methods, Biostatic theory and methods, Clinical Study Design and Analysis, Computational Biology, Epidemiological Data Modeling and Analysis, Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology, Bayesian Probability, Biological Experimental Data Modeling, Climate and Environmental Data Modeling, Clinical Trials and Assessment Methods, Distribution and Modeling of Disease Dynamics, Evolution of Population Genetics, Medical imaging Data Modeling, Public Health and Healthcare evaluation, and Statistical Computation and Applications, etc. .
United Journal of Biometrics and Data Management has always been in the forefront in delivering knowledge among Scholars, Academic Professors, Authors, Research Scientists, and Students. The International Journal Biometrics and Data Management publishes Original articles, Short reports, Reviews, Commentaries, Communications, Case Studies, etc.
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