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United Journal of Generic Medicine, Vaccines and Biosimilars is a peer-reviewed, open access, international pharmaceutical journal, focuses on providing the right knowledge and views of pharmaceutical industry eminent people in the Generic Drugs, vaccines and Biosimilars sector.
The main agenda of the journal is to highlight the recent technological advancements in comparability, bio similarity and characterization, as well as structural and physicochemical protein characterizations. Although the biosimilars has the potential to bring the healthcare costs a new low, for the poorer parts of the world, there has been a very low research and development being done. To bridge this gap the journal is making its impact and creating an environment which can generate the right incubating conditions for the development of Generics and Biosimilars.
United Journal of Generic Medicine, Vaccines and Biosimilars has always been in the forefront in delivering knowledge among scholars, Academic Professors, Authors, Research Scientists, and Students. The International Journal Biometrics and Data Management publishes Original articles, Short reports, Reviews, Commentaries, Communications, Case Studies, etc.
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