Reviewer Guidelines

The aim of peer review is to help improve the overall quality of a manuscript under review; hence making it an integral aspect of publication process. Even though time-consuming, the review process helps an editor to make a decision on an article and also enables the author to improve the manuscript.

Reviewer Guidelines

  1. You must focus your evaluation on the originality of the paper and decide whether it is interesting enough to be published.
  2. Your assessment should be based on the possible merits of the paper and the physiological significance of your findings must be mentioned in your confidential remarks to the Editor.
  3. Reviews should be pertinent and concise.
  4. Reviewers should not be influenced by:
  5. The manuscript’s origin
  6. Cultural, religious or political viewpoint of the author
  7. Ethnicity, citizenry, race or gender of the author
  8. Ahead of publishing, manuscripts are confidential material trustily provided to a reviewer for the sole purpose of critical evaluation. You must make sure that the review process and the manuscript details remain confidential.
  9. As a reviewer you should focus on the following:
    • Originality
    • Depth of research
    • Clarity of presentation
    • Technical quality
    • Contribution to the field
  10. Verify whether the author(s) have followed the regulations mandated for them in addition to editorial policies, publication ethics and reporting guidelines.
  11. If you feel any part of the article has been plagiarised, manipulated, duplicated or raises concerns in any manner, you can submit your findings to the Editor.
  12. Reviewers should never rewrite the manuscript; however, they can highlight necessary corrections and make suggestions for improvements.
  13. Reviewers’ recommendation should be either:
    • Accept
    • Reject/ Not suitable for the journal
    • Revise

Benefits for Reviewers:

  1. Reviewer profile will be displayed on our website with an image, biography and area of interest.
  2. A certificate will be awarded as a credit of your valuable contribution and support.
  3. Reviewer will also qualify for additional benefits such as special waiver on publication fee for articles such as editorial or research/review.

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